Hawk services

Quality Never Goes Out of Style

HAWK SERVICES is a multi-services Company from the refurbishment of a Building, to Securing your most loved and valued possessions.

We are Located near Junction 33 of the M1 which gives us easy access to you.


I was asked,

What makes you different from any other company like yours?”

My reply was.,

“I have a family background of Business in various Trades in our Sister Company,

B G HORSFIELD & SONS which has been established since 1928 and is still going strong, and onto our fourth Generation of our Family members”

The reason for this is the professionalism through and through and making the correct choices for the finishing touches, which goes a long way and this is what we are bringing into HAWK SERVICES.


We have introduced and brought Engineers with years of experience and knowledge to

HAWK SERVICES, along with myself having a Security background we all work really well together. 

The best thing is that we are all Training and Learning every day to give back to our Clients the Commitment and a Quality all-inclusive Service and the Options of the New Technology as it is developed and comes out.


There are No hidden surprises and no unexpected bills, with expert installations, a great

After Care Service for Servicing, Monitoring and Maintenance and More.



A Final Note from the Director of HAWK SERVICES

“I strive to have a really good atmosphere within the Company, both My Staff and the CLIENTS we work for, but I also want for us to grow and to have our Clients wanting us back, because we are fair and that they feel that they are getting what they have asked for and if not more”.

This Company believes that QUALITY NEVER GOES OUT OF STYLE.